Door No. 2


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(Diskery - Artist Biography Accessible and Printable Version)
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Door No. 2 (2002-present): a Hard Rock band from Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Hidden deep in the Tallahassee back woods and Northwest Florida riverbanks lives Door No. 2. Former Nashville vocalist, Joe Brandon after recording two previous albums on 'A&M' with The Royal Court of China (band), and 2 videos for MTV, founded this act. But after the act dissolved and he moved to Florida and started Door No. 2.

Bill Peavy (guitar), Shane Baxter (drums/vocals) and Matt K. (bass; ex-Tequila Mockingbird) would soon join him to create an eclectic mix of classic heavy metal with the so-called "Power-chord" sound of pop and hard rock. In 2003 they would release Threshold, followed by Album No. 2 in 2005.

Dashboard for Door No. 2

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