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(Diskery - Artist Biography Accessible and Printable Version)
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Obliveon (2007-present): a Death Metal band from California, USA.
In 2007, after two decades away from the scene, Bay Area thrash metal veteran Ted O'Neill (guitar) sought musicians with which to play music. His previous band, Alchemicon, had broken up after appearing on the 'Metal Blade Records' compilation Complete Death 2. O'Neill then found a suitable partner in session guitarist Joe Ellis. Nick Vasallo, an award-winning composer and professor of music who founded Antagony and fronted several other Bay Area bands, was appointed lead vocalist and bassist. The trio began writing songs immediately and recorded at their in-house recording studio. Their debut Annunaki single went viral with a simultaneous video release that received over 5000 hits in 24 hours. Since their first studio session video they have received 20,000 views in 3 weeks. After their demo CD, DEMO 2012 (2012), was released, both John Haag and Joe Ellis were replaced by Luis Martinez and Victor Dods respectively to release their debut albums Called to Rise (2013) and Oblivion (2019). Despite other bands having the name before them, the membership of this version of Obliveon took ownership of the name by registering it with the US Patents and Trademarks office; this ownership may only exist in the US, however.
Footnote: Do not confuse this band with the one of the same name in Canada.

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